Ginger (or more precisely ginger root) is a rhizome of a flowering plant with the same name - ginger. This root we use as a spice and as medicine since the ancient times.

Ginger first appeared in the southern parts of the ancient China. From there, it spread to India, Maluku Islands (so-called Spice Islands), rest of the Asia and West Africa. Europe saw ginger for the first time in the 1st century when the ancient Romans traded with the India. When the Rome fell, Europe forgot about ginger until Marco Polo brought it again from his travel to the East. In the middle ages, a price of a half a kilogram of ginger was the same as of one sheep. In the 15th century, with the rediscovery of the New World, Ginger was brought to the Caribbean where it started to grow with ease. Today, India is the greatest producer of ginger in the world.

Name "ginger" came a long way, but its root is in Sanskrit word "srngaveram" which means "horn body" and describes its root. While it grows, it has white and pink buds which bloom into yellow flowers. When the stalk withers, the rhizome is harvested and immediately scalded (which kills it) to prevent sprouting. world.


Gingerencap is an advanced and unique technology incorporated by Umang Global where the extract of ingredients is encapsulated (coated) to make it more available and protects from environmental factors. Gingerencap is available at various active dosage with Enteric coating (EC) and Immediate Release (IR) form, also customization is available as per the end use requirement.


  • Delivery of higher level of actives
  • Protects from environmental influences such as exposure to Oxygen, moisture and light
  • For higher dosage of formulations

    Ginger and its Extract used in various applications and products for benefits following, 11 Proven Health Benefits of Ginger.

  • May helps to boost Immunity
  • May works as Antioxidant
  • May helps to cure inflammation, muscle damage, muscle soreness
  • Can treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness
  • May help for weight loss
  • May drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors
  • May help lower cholesterol levels
  • May improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer's disease
  • Can help fight infections