GARLIC is among the oldest known horticultural crops. In the Old World, Egyptian and Indian cultures referred to garlic 5000 years ago and there is clear historical evidence for its use by the Babylonians 4500 years ago and by the Chinese 2000 years ago. Some writings suggest that garlic was grown in China as far back as 4000 years ago.
Garlic grows wild only in Central Asia (centered in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) today. Earlier in history garlic grew wild over a much larger region and, in fact, wild garlic may have occurred in an area from China to India to Egypt to the Ukraine.
This region where garlic has grown in the wild is referred to as its "center of origin" since this is the geographic region where the crop originated and the only place where it flourished in the wild. In fact, although we sometimes hear about "wild garlic" elsewhere in the world, this is the only region where true garlic routinely grows in the wild without the assistance of human propagation. There are other plants locally referred to as "wild garlic", but these are invariably other species of the garlic genus (Allium), not garlic itself (Allium sativum). For example, Allium vineale is a wild relative of garlic that occurs in North America and is commonly called "wild garlic".
The "center of origin" for a plant or animal species is also referred to as its "center of diversity" since it is here that the broadest range of genetic variation can be expected. That is why those of us who have sought to find new genetic variation in garlic have collected wild garlic in Central Asia.
Garliencap is an advanced and unique technology incorporated by Umang Global where the extract of ingredients is encapsulated (coated) to make it more available and protects from environmental factors. Garliencap is available at various active dosage with Enteric coating (EC) and Immediate Release (IR) form, also customization is available as per the end use requirement.
- Delivery of higher level of actives
- Protects from environmental influences such as exposure to Oxygen, moisture and light
- For higher dosage of formulations
- May help to Reduce Blood Pressure
- Garlic Improves Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower the Risk of Heart Disease
- Garlic Contains Antioxidants That May Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
- May Help You Live Longer
- Athletic Performance Might Be Improved With Garlic Supplements
- May Help Detoxify Heavy Metals in the Body
- May Improve Bone Health
- May help regulate blood sugar
- May protect brain health